Do you eat your nails? 
Do you forget your chapters? 
Do you think about your results again and again? 
Well, today I am going to talk about Anxiety. An emotion which everyone has. Some are able to cope with some feel more stressed. As we learned Anxiety is an emotion it is our body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of fear or continuous thinking about what's to come or what will happen. Eg. The day of our exam,  the first day of school, or giving a speech may cause most of us to feel fearful and nervous. Have you ever thought of how anxiety looks like? In simple, just answer these questions. Do you feel panic in your exams time? DO you feel uncomfortable when the teacher asks you questions in the class? Do you feel that you forget things often? Do your palms are always cold and sweaty? Do you feel short at breath? If any of these answer is YES. You must know how to cope with anxiety and perform academically, socially best.
Five things to reduce our anxiety are:-
1 Check your breathing

The very first thing to do when you get anxious is to ‘breathe’. Deep diaphragmatic breathing is a powerful anxiety-reducing technique because it activates the body’s relaxation response. Try slowly inhaling to a count of 4, filling your belly first and then your chest, gently holding your breath to a count of 4, and slowly exhaling to a count of 4 and repeat several times. This technique called abdominal breathing which helps us to relax our body muscles when we are emotionally charged.

2 Check your body reactions

Feel and analyze how your body reacts to anxiety or any intense emotions. Ask and see how your body reacts to certain events Eg Exams, presentations etc. You may feel thirsty; you may feel more sleepy or hungry. Etc. Many students complained of having loose motions, not being able to sleep during especially exam. It happens due to anxiety. Check and anticipate your body reactions and have a healthy lifestyle. Try to keep a water bottle in front of your visual span. Keep yourself well hydrated and do exercise daily.

3 Check your mental speech
We do talk to ourselves all the time. Our mental speech is something that what we say to ourselves. Eg Sameer is telling Sameer that he is not good at wring. When we feel uncertain, fearful we often talk negatively. Try to say out loud to check what thoughts you are having. What exactly you are thinking can be wrong or right but in situations like an exam, we have to have form our speech positively. It’s very simple when we declare things we feel difficult to achieve. Like if Sameer has declared that he is not good at writing. It’s a statement which he is using for himself. Instead of that, he can frame a question as this time will I’ll be able to write well? So now he is at least started thinking about trying to write well. So frame it now.

Be organized and stay mindful


When people are anxious, they are usually obsessing about something that might occur in the future. Instead, pause, breathe and pay attention to what’s happening right now. Even if something serious is happening, focusing on the present moment will improve your ability to manage the situation. This technique called mindfulness its simply says focus on yourself right here right now. Right from your body postures to things you are doing. Its about paying attention to daily life and the things we typically rush through. It’s about turning down the volume in your mind by coming back to the body.
Once we get to know that what makes us feel relax just continue that practice. Identify more ways to deal with that like doodle, listening to music, checking your learned content, walking etc. Just buy a beautiful diary and have a habit of noting down the things which made you anxious and what you did for that. This will always help you to set some goals, objectives which you can complete in the timeline. The main reason behind anxiety can be a pile-up things so if we are totally organized it will help ourselves to achieve the things we always want to, be it result or success.


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